Privacy Policy

This privacy policy describes how GetXdone GmbH ('GXG', 'we' or 'us') collects, uses, stores, and protects the personal data of users of the Evoy World App. By using the Evoy World App, users agree to this privacy policy.

Types of Data Collected

We may collect various types of personal data, including name, email address, location data, and images captured and stored by users within the app.

Purpose of Data Collection

The data is collected to provide the services of the Evoy World App, offer personalized content, improve the app experience, analyze user behavior, and conduct marketing activities if necessary.

Data Protection Practices

We are committed to ensuring the security and confidentiality of the collected data. This includes measures such as encryption, access restrictions, regular security audits, and compliance with applicable data protection laws.

Data Sharing

The collected data will not be shared with third parties unless required by law or with the user's consent. However, we reserve the right to commercially use user-created images, including reproduction, adaptation, and publication.

Cookies and Tracking

The Evoy World App may use cookies and other tracking technologies to analyze app usage and enhance the user experience. Users have the option to control the use of cookies in their device settings.

User Rights

Users have the right to access, rectify, delete, or restrict the processing of their data. They can exercise these rights by contacting us or using the relevant features in the app.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time. Users will be informed of upcoming changes or additions in a timely and appropriate manner. By continuing to use the Evoy World App after notification of changes, users agree to the updated privacy policy.